Det finns två förebilder då det kommer till servettbrytning, den ena har jag nämnt nyligen Joan Sallas. Den andra är Mrs Beeton, eller snarare utvecklingen av hennes kokbok....Gissa vilka servettbrytningar ni kommer att se här framöver...
The Classic Fan Napkin Folding Techniques
The Single Fan Napkin Fold
1. Fold the serviette into three in the manner shown in diagram 2.
2. (Diagram 2.)
3. Pleat, open out, and place in a serviette ring or glass.
The Corner, Double Fan Napkin Fold
4. Fold into four in the manner shown in diagram 5.
5. (Diagram 5.)
6. Pleat, open out, and stand alone at the corner of the table.
The Tiered Fan
7. Fold or pleat in the manner shown in diagram 8.
8. (Diagram 8.)
9. Pleat, open out, and place in a glass or serviette ring.
The Triple Fan Napkin Fold
10. Fold in the manner shown in diagram 11.
11. (Diagram 11.)
12. Pleat, open out, and stand alone.
The Palm, Lily, Cactus Napkin Folding Techniques
The Palm Leaf Napkin Fold
1. Fold the serviette into four.
2. Then diagonally across and pleat.
3. The Palm Leaf.
The Lily Napkin Fold
4. After the serviette has been folded into four, fold across diagonally and turn two loose leaves on to either side. Pleat and pull down two leaves from either side of the centre.
5. The Lily.
The Cactus Napkin Fold
6. Fold into four.
7. Then diagonally across, as for the Palm Leaf, and pull down the four leaves.
8. The Cactus.
The Mitre Folded Napkin
The Mitre (Miter), or Bishops Hat Napkin Fold
1. Fold the serviette into three.
2. Then the ends (A A) over to the centre line (B).
3. Fold down the corners (C C) to the centre.
4. Then fold the back across at the dotted line (D).
5. Tuck the point (E) into pleat (F).
6. And the other point (G) into the pleat on the reverse side (H).
7. Complete.
The Bishop Folded Napkin

The Bishop Napkin Fold
1. Fold the Serviette across at the dotted line (A).
2. Then the two portions (B,B) up at the dotted lines (BB and BB) to the center parts (C,C).
3. Fold across at the dotted line (E) turning up the portion marked (D).
4. Turn down the part marked (F) on to that marked (G).
5. Curl at the base of the triangle.
6. Insert the point of one side (H) into the pleat of the other (J).
7. Pull down the pointed leaves, curl and tuck them into the pleats.
8. Complete.
The Rose Folded Napkin
The Rose Napkin Fold
1. Lay the serviette flat on the table, and fold at the dotted lines so that the corners (A A A A) meet at centre spot.
2. Without turning the serviette, fold the corners down again in the same manner.
3. And repeat again.
4. Now turn the serviette over onto the plain side.
5. Fold at the lines so that the corners (B B B B) meet at the centre.
6. Hold a tumbler firmly on the serviette at the dotted circle.
7. Pull each of the points away from underneath.
8. Complete.
The Sachet Napkin Folding Technique
The Sachet, or Pocket Napkin Fold
1. Fold the serviette into three.
2. Then the corners (A B) down to the centre line (C).
3. Fold the flaps (C D C D) underneath, then fold triangular parts at centre line (E).
4. Turn down the folds (F F) to form a stand.
5. Curl the triangular flap round.
6. Complete.
The Flat Sachet Napkin Folding Technique
The Flat Sachet, or Pocket Napkin Fold
1. Fold the serviette into four.
2. Fold up half of the front pleat to form a band.
3. Fold into eight equal leaves and close up.
4. Tuck in each of the four corners (A) of the front pleat only on both front and back, and tuck the upper triangular part that is produced into the band.
5. Complete.
To make the Single Sachet, fold the serviette into three, then after making the band, fold into six, and make the diamond on one side only.
The Pyramid Folded Napkin

The Pyramid Napkin Fold
1. Fold the Serviette in half and turn down the four corners.
2. Fold over the triangle parts at the lines (A,A) so that points meet at the spot (B).
3. Fold back in half at (C).
4. Tuck the corners (A,A) into the center of the Serviette.
5. Turn down the sides (D,D) of the first pleat to center (E) and repeat on other side with the other pleat.
6. Turn up the points (F,F) to form a stand.
7. Complete.
The Fleur De Lis Varieties Of Napkin Folding
Fleur De Lis (A)
1. Fold in half diagonally.
2. Then fold across at the line (A).
3. Pleat as shown, and pull out leaves.
4. Complete.
Fleur De Lis (B)
5. Fold in half diagonally.
6. Turn the portion marked (B) down on to (C), and bring the other triangular leaf over.
7. Pleat, pull out the leaves, and open.
8. Complete.
Fleur De Lis (C)
9. Fold in half diagonally.
10. Then in half again at the dotted line (E).
11. Turn down the top part (F) on to (G), but do not include the triangular leaves.
12. Pleat, pull out the folds, and open.
13. Complete.
The Vase Folded Napkin

The Vase Napkin Fold
1. Fold into four.
2. Turn down the corners (A,A).
3. Fold down the corners (A,A) again to the perpendicular lines (B,B).
4. Fold at the diagonal lines (C,C) and turn the end portions (D,D) upwards.
5. Fold at the dotted line, and bring the portion marked (D) over on to (E).
6. Fold over at dotted line and turn (F) on to (G).
7. Fold over the part marked (H) at the dotted line.
8. Fold at dotted line, and bring the point (J) right over to (K).
9. Open out (L) and curl the leaves.
10. Complete.
The Boats Napkin Folding Technique
The Boats Napkin Fold
1. Fold the Serviette into three.
2. Then fold in half.
3. Fold the ends (B,B) to the center (A).
4. Hold the plain side uppermost and tuck in the corners (C).
5. Fold down the top folds of the pointed parts at line (D).
6. Fold in half at (E).
7. Open out.
8. Complete.
The Cockscomb Folded Napkin
The Cockscomb Napkin Fold
1. Fold the Serviette into four.
2. Then across in half.
3. Fold down the sides (B,B) to the center (A).
4. Turn the points (B,B) underneath, and fold in half through the center line (C).
5. Pull up the four leaves.
6. Complete.
The Slipper Folded Napkin
The Slipper Napkin Fold
1. Fold the Serviette into four.
2. Then fold at the lines (A,A) bringing ends (B,B) to meet at the center.
3. Fold at the lines (B,B).
4. Fold through the center.
5. Then fold the portion (BB) of one of the slips at the dotted line (C) and turn underneath.
6. Take the other slip and fold down the portion (CC) at dotted line (D).
7. Insert the end of the slip (E) into the pleat (F).
8. Insert the fingers between the folds (G) and curl this part round the slipper.
9. Complete.
The Boar's Head Folded Napkin
The Boar's Head Napkin Fold
1. Fold the Serviette into three.
2. Then the ends (A,A) to the center (B).
3. Turn down the corners (C,C).
4. When this position is obtained, turn the plain side uppermost.
5. Tuck one corner (B) into the opposite pleat on the other side (A).
6. Then turn the point to the front.
7. Complete.